Friday, May 18, 2012

Not For Sale

Since the PAO conference in November, Steven and I have taken a very different view on many aspects of our lives.  One that has changed drastically is baseball.  It is a job but it isn’t a job that just anyone can do.  God has blessed Steven with an amazing talent and we both realized it was time to start using that talent for more than income.

Earlier this spring Steven and I were introduced to a group called Not For Sale.  We became aware of them at about the same time that the KONY 2012 campaign went viral so it seemed fitting to get involved.  NFS uses athlete’s abilities to raise money and encourages fan and critics to get involved as well.  I started thinking; let’s just pretend Steven threw 1,000 strikeouts a season.  I would GLADLY write a $1000 check for that.  Why not pay forward God’s blessings?  We decided to donate money for every strikeout and inning and of course will up the ante when a move to the big leagues is made.

If you are able to join our efforts this season and make a donation we would appreciate it.  It can be based on Steven’s stats or a one-time donation, anything helps.   Ideally we will be able to encourage other Mariner’s and athletes in general to join us so look for your other favorite athletes as well!

Our page....donate here!

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